“Become a dedicated fighter for civil rights.
Make it a central part of your life.
It will make you a better doctor, a better lawyer, a better teacher.
It will enrich your spirit as nothing else possibly can.
It will give you that rare sense of nobility that can only spring from love and selflessly helping your fellow man.
Make a career of humanity.
Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights.
You will make a greater person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This weekend’s worldwide freedom rallies catalyzed thousands and thousands of people to stand for human rights and health sovereignty around the world in over 180 cities.
From Australian cities to Japan and around South Asia, to Israel, to Italy, Portugal, Spain and across France to around the UK and Ireland, to South America, and all over the US and Canada.
Despite the continuing absence of mainstream media, people from all walks of life took to the streets to stand up…
For “Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Movement, Freedom of Choice, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Health.”
In Toronto, the overwhelming message of the speakers was for freedom -- not against our fellow citizens who don’t yet feel their liberty threatened or haven't yet found the courage to go public.
As my husband and I arrived, I heard the speaker say...
“I’m not going to tell you what to say, but I urge you not to shame those who don’t think like us.”
This is exactly the message I work to convey as I write to promote scientific evidence with spiritual principles.
Ultimately, we can stand in one of 2 places.
Love or fear.
Fear is the absence of love, and a reaction to some real or perceived threat.
It engages our most primitive brain but gives us no access to our higher selves.
Fear expresses itself as everything from worry and doubt to upset and blame to revenge and despair.
All actions from fear expand fear — just as all actions from love expand love.
As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us, love is not simple sentimentalism or even romanticism.
Love is a robust and powerful force for good in the world.
He advocated for loving our enemies while hating their unjust deeds.
Love allows for lucid thinking and ultimately transforms our darkest thoughts and emotions.
To be clear, I am not advocating for ignoring, denying, or suppressing our anger and outrage.
Quite the opposite.
I have seen too many horrific images and read too many heartbreaking and avoidable stories in the past year.
Of peacefully protesting people beaten and arrested.
Of vaccine injuries and deaths of people who were never at risk of serious C-19 harms.
Of children committing suicide, cancers going unchecked, elderly people dying from loneliness, world hunger and poverty increasing in leaps and bounds — all because of a lockdown experiment that went against decades of pandemic science.
Love does not advocate for turning away from atrocities.
Love faces injustice, head on.
Looking at it, experiencing the anger that arises from initial fear, and then transmuting that fear and using it for good.
My chiropractor has been noting the improvement in my mood and energy these past few months.
How is that possible when I read, research, write, and talk about all things Covid almost all the time??
For years, I concerned myself with what people thought of me, judging myself harshly and turning that anger inwards.
When my ego was triggered, I would explode, turning my anger outward.
But these days, anger alchemy fuels me.
To paraphrase him…
“Anger turned inward is unhealthy. Anger turned outward is dangerous. But anger used to express one’s True Self is like rocket fuel that takes you to the next level of your development.”
Saturday’s Worldwide Freedom Rally in Toronto was just such an experience and expression.
Click the image to watch strangers hugging in solidarity...
There were signs promoting science and education, holistic health, and of course, freedom.
There were a few angry, name-calling signs, though far less than I’ve ever seen at any rally.
People marched happily, peacefully, some with Canadian flags, some with kids, from all walks of life and of all ages.
An elderly man walking beside us told my friend he was there for his son and grandchildren.
A few police officers were present on bicycles, and one found our mutual friend in the crowd and stopped to give him a hug.
He had no problem when I asked to take his picture.
Many cars honked in support of us as we moved through the downtown core, even as the rain came pouring down.
My friends and I left energized and empowered.
I will no longer engage in dangerous and disempowering mandates.
When I get on the subway without my mask, I do not allow myself to feel fear anymore.
I used to brace myself for conflict.
Now I consciously shield myself with love and emanate compassion for others.
I am focused on expanding the awakening that is happening all over the world.
We the people of so-called liberal democracies are no longer taking our freedom for granted.
When we can experience the camaraderie of connecting with others, the joy of simply walking side by side with our fellow human beings, unmasked and unafraid, we are reminded that these ordinary liberties are precious.
While Canadians are not generally outspoken and not easily moved to public protest, I honour my fellow citizens and police for the civility, kindness, and yes, love, at our rally.
That said, there are too many of the “silent good people” still sitting on the sidelines.
As a result of the fact that there was no mainstream media coverage, I don’t know how many thousands marched this weekend.
But it really should have been millions.
Because I believe that millions of Canadians are for the rights and freedoms granted in our Charter — but not everyone is yet aware of their unnecessary contravention.
Many people have grown suspicious of constantly shifting pandemic goal lines, of disproportionate measures against a disease that has created as much excess death as a bad flu year, of nonsensical segregation of those who don’t want or need an experimental vaccine.
We must not use the divisive, coercive, and fear-based tactics of the so-called authorities.
We must use our intellect to examine the data, to listen to scientists who are putting reputation and funding on the line in alignment with the integrity of the scientific method.
We must use our hearts to follow our instincts and to find compassion for those who are still afraid.
If you didn’t march this weekend, and have begun to question the necessity of dangerous and damaging policies, ask yourself why.
Without judgement.
We must put aside past opinions and look to see where we now stand.
Am I making decisions from love or from fear?
Whatever actions we personally choose to take, we all win if we choose love.
“The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community, while the aftermath of violence is tragic bitterness.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Here’s a fun flashback for my fellow Ontarians over 50…
Give us a place to stand,
And a place to grow.
And call this land,
A place to stand,
A place to grow,
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