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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Leduc Catlin

Christmas Cheers

These seem like dark and sinister times.

I’m having to let go of my outrage and recalibrate my compassion on a daily basis.

These days, we can either be embittered by our challenges or we can evolve with them.

Humour helps.

And my favourite...

We have to laugh, especially after we cry.

Those of us standing for human rights and medical freedom have been attacked as selfish and stupid.

But my experience is that we are quite the opposite.

My fellow pro-freedom friends are intelligent, highly informed, and the most caring and generous people I know.

And the experts I follow are some of the greatest scientists and researchers in the world.

All of them have put their reputations and livelihoods on the line.

Personally, I have worked, unpaid, at researching, writing, and sharing this blog for most of this year.

The idea of friends and family and even strangers being scared into submission and subjected to damaging mandates leaving them with no sense of agency has driven my need to speak out.

But there is another reason I write.

These unprecedented challenges create an unprecedented opportunity.

This is also the time of The Great Awakening

During this holiday season, I will continue to put my attention on that which inspires and awakens my deepest wisdom, my trust in life, and my connection to Source.

What I will not do is be afraid.

I will breathe the air freely.

I will hug friends and family.

And I will continue to build my beautiful natural immunity.

In the words of the outspoken and lyrical Neil Oliver, who contracted C-19 earlier this year, “I’ve been immune to the state-sponsored fear ever since.”

Watch his Christmas message with an observation about fear that has been in plain sight...

And whatever you celebrate as the year draws to a close, I wish you much peace and joy.

I'll leave you with one more chuckle...


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